Legacies and gifts to CIAT

Legacies and gifts bequeathed or granted to CIAT will be used to fund projects which support the development, growth, profile and status of the Institute, the discipline and those who operate in the AT community.

This may include (but is not limited to) bursaries to offer support for members and affiliates, staffing, resources, conferences and so on, provided that the project or activity offers direct or indirect value to the discipline, profession or Institute. The use of funds will be decided on a case-by-case basis and in line with the Institute's priorities.

Benefactors may request that financial legacies or gifts are used for a specific purpose, and where possible, such requests will be honoured. If the desired purpose has been fulfilled already, or if the Institute is unable to fulfil the request, for example, if the activity is no longer relevant or viable, this will be discussed with the benefactor, the executor of their estate/will or their next of kin before the funds are accepted.

Benefactors are encouraged to bequeath financial legacies or gifts for general purposes rather than for a specific reason. Where feasible and in line with the Institute's priorities, legacies and gifts will be used for projects which are related to the work or speciality of the donor. In all cases, financial legacies or gifts will be ringfenced until an appropriate project or use has been identified.

If a non-financial legacy or gift is bequeathed, it will be determined by the Chief Executive if it can be used appropriately by the Institute before it can be accepted. In cases where the non-financial legacy or gift is accepted and retained by the Institute, its value will be established and it will be insured. In some cases it may be more appropriate to sell the non-financial legacy or gift, and this will be discussed with the benefactor, the executor of their estate/will or their next of kin before it is accepted.

The Institute will publicly acknowledge legacies and gifts if possible or appropriate, and this would be discussed with the benefactor, the executor of their estate/will or their next of kin. The benefactor is also at liberty to remain anonymous, and this will be confirmed prior to any acknowledgement being made.

If you are considering to leave a legacy or gift to CIAT, please contact the Chief Executive: [email protected]