If you allowed your Chartered Membership to be inactive for more than three years, you will need to re-join as an affiliate or Associate (depending on your eligibility). In order to re-join, you need to complete the joining process here and submit your previous CIAT registration number or proof of former membership along with the £70 reinstatement fee and applicable pro-rata subscription.
The process to re-attain your Chartered Membership requires you to complete the professional practice units (15-17) of the Chartered Architectural Technologist POP Record. You must then submit the re-entry interview application form, submit an up-to-date CV and pay a £225 re-entry interview fee. Upon receipt of your re-entry interview application, a portfolio of evidence will be required to facilitate a Professional Practice Re-entry Interview with successful attendance enabling registration as a Chartered Architectural Technologist.
Upon successful attendance at your re-entry interview, you will then be required to pay the Chartered Membership upgrade fee, which is the difference between the Associate or affiliate subscription to that of the Chartered Membership subscription for that period.