
As the lead professional body representing those studying and practising within the field of Architectural Technology, CIAT prides itself on its inclusivity and as such, seeks to endorse and promote different routes to a rewarding career within Architectural Technology.

This may be through full- or part-time study followed by relevant employment, on-the-job training or via the Government's Trailblazer apprenticeship scheme or other approved routes/standards.

Professional bodies can support apprenticeships by offering feedback on apprenticeship standards where appropriate; however, professional bodies are not able to develop apprenticeships themselves as this is for the employers to determine and for educational establishments to deliver the relevant qualification.


What is an apprenticeship?

An apprenticeship is a route into numerous professions which provides individuals the opportunity to combine working in a relevant field with studying for a formal qualification. There are four different levels of apprenticeships in England:

  • Intermediate - roughly equivalent to five GCSE passes (equivalent to a Level 2 qualification);
  • Advanced - equivalent to two A-level passes (equivalent to a Level 3 qualification);
  • Higher - equivalent to the first stages of higher education such as a HNC or Foundation degree (equivalent to a Level 4 qualification);
  • Degree – available at Honours and Masters degree level (Level 6 and 7). 

Due to the vocational nature of the built environment and the Architectural Technology profession, apprenticeships are a valuable way of gaining relevant work experience as well as the necessary underpinning knowledge to become a valued, competent professional.

The benefit of apprenticeships include:

  • On-the-job learning;
  • individuals are able to learn and gain an academic qualification at further or higher education level;
  • earning a salary; 
  • employers have the ability to indicate what knowledge, skills and behaviours are needed so that these can be developed within the apprentices;
  • for those wishing to become Chartered Architectural Technologists, they would be able to use the evidence that they gain from their apprenticeship within their Professional Assessment application.

The Trailblazer scheme differs to previous ones in that it is not restricted by age. Therefore, a company may decide to upskill its existing workforce or hire new apprentices to address the skills gap and grow talent. There are also financial incentives for companies that choose to invest in apprentices. See more in the Funding section below.

CIAT has formally supported the development of the following apprenticeship standards:


There are a few ways in which employers can access funding to support apprentices within their organisation. These include:

Apprenticeships are funded by the government through the apprenticeship levy. Employers with an annual pay bill of more than £3 million pay into the levy at a rate of 0.5% through its Employee Payment Summary. Each nation can then decide how it uses the levy money to fund apprenticeships as training is a devolved matter.

Levy payers can access their funds through the Digital Apprenticeship Service to spend on training and assessing their apprentices.

It is important to note that the way this money is allocated between the four Nations differs. Please click the following links for information about apprenticeships in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


Employers that do not pay into the Levy can share the cost of training and assessing their apprentices with the Government by contributing 5% of the cost directly to the training provider. The Government pays the remaining 95% of the maximum funding band for the apprenticeship.

More information on apprenticeship funding can be found here.


Scotland offers apprenticeships at different levels; these include:

Foundation Apprenticeships

These are qualifications valued by employers and recognised by all Scottish educational establishments. They take two years to complete as a Foundation Apprenticeship (FA) can be chosen as a subject in Stage 5 or 6 and is at the same level as a higher. FAs are available in 12 subjects including civil engineering, software development and financial services. They are linked to growth sectors of the Scottish economy, allowing learners to gain industry experience and skills by spending one day a week with a company to enhance their CV.

Modern Apprenticeships

Modern Apprenticeships (MA) help employers develop their workforce by training new staff and upskilling existing employees to develop skills and expertise for their current and future jobs. An MA is a way for apprentices to earn a wage and gain an industry-recognised qualification that is accredited by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).

There are over 80 Modern Apprenticeship frameworks – from healthcare and financial services to construction and IT. These have been developed by sector skills councils, in consultation with their industry.

Graduate Apprenticeships

A Graduate Apprenticeship (GA) builds skills and knowledge that Scottish industries need. These have been designed for and by industry. Those interested in the built environment are able to pursue a Level 10 Scottish Qualification Credits Framework (SCQF) Construction and Built Environment framework.

Apprentices will be employed, earn a wage and achieve a degree at Honours level.

Most of the apprentices’ time will be spend learning on the job, however they will be enrolled on a higher education programme.

Anyone over the age of 16 can apply for a GA. However due to the nature of certain vacancies (and health and safety requirements), the age limit to apply may be 18 and over. Individuals changing their careers are also eligible for a GA.

Those already in employment can complete a GA as an existing employee if the job role relates to the apprenticeship framework. This option can be discussed with the employer.