The home for all Architectural Technology job opportunities 

which include (the following are descriptors written by CIAT):

  • Chartered Architectural Technologist
    A candidate who has demonstrated their educational, practice and professional standards in Architectural Technology and is awarded the protected descriptor.
  • Architectural Technologist
    A candidate with knowledge and experience in Architectural Technology but has not been assessed or qualified as a Chartered Architectural Technologist
  • Graduate Architectural Technologist
    A candidate who has graduated from an Architectural Technology undergraduate or postgraduate level programme 
  • Trainee/student Architectural Technologist
    A candidate who is studying Architectural Technology
  • Junior/apprentice Architectural Technologist
    A candidate who is learning the roles and functions within Architectural Technology via education and work-based training



No matter how big or small your job vacancy is, AT Jobs is the obvious home for your Architectural Technology job opportunity, which can be accessed globally by those practising and studying within the discipline and profession. It is open to all to advertise.


  • standard job listing for one calendar month - £230 (plus VAT)
  • standard job listing and added as a featured job for one calendar month - £300 (plus VAT)

Members and affiliates receive a 30% discount - the member or affiliate must be logged in for this to be applied.

For non-members and affiliates, you will be asked to set-up an account for this website.

We are not a recruitment agency and cannot guarantee that your position will be filled by using this service.




  • Advert live on this site for one calendar month.
  • Your position will be seen by Architectural Technology professionals across the built environment sector and at all stages in their career.
  • Your position will be appear in AT Weekly, our weekly enewsletter, sent to over 8,000 subscribers, until the closing date.

Have a question? Check our FAQ's below to see if you can find the answer here. For any other questions, please email [email protected]

How do I submit a job?

You can submit a job here, on our AT Jobs page, by clicking on the ‘Submit a job’ button which can be found above these FAQ's, on the right hand side of the page. From here, this will take you to a login/register page, where you can either log in if you already have an account with us, or you can register for an account. To ensure that the members and affiliates 30% discount is added, please use the same email address to log in and register that you use for all CIAT correspondence (i.e. the email address you receive AT Weekly etc. from).

Am I eligible for the members and affiliates discount?

All members and affiliates receive a 30% discount when posting a job. To ensure this 30% discount is added, when submitting the job post, please use the same email address to log in/register that you use for all CIAT correspondence (i.e. the email address you receive AT Weekly etc. from). If you are submitting a job on behalf of a practice, please also ensure that you use an email address which is registered with CIAT.

Will the formatting of my job post be amended?

When you submit a job, the version of what you see will not be how it appears on the jobs board. When a job is submitted via the ‘Submit a job’ button, it is sent to the Creative & Communications Team at CIAT, who will format the job to match that of jobs already posted on the AT Jobs page. Once the job is live on our jobs board, you will be sent a link to view the job post.

What if I am looking to recruit an Architectural Technician?

Following a review, the Institute has withdrawn the Architectural Technician class of membership and qualification. We recognise that Architectural Technician is a term still used in practice, and to ensure that your vacancy is current, gets maximum exposure and reflects the level and functions required of the Architectural Technology professional, we would recommend that you review your opportunity and future proof it using the suggestions listed. If you require further guidance then please contact [email protected]

When should I be recruiting a Chartered Architectural Technologist?

This is a protected title and its use is restricted to those individuals who have successfully demonstrated their educational, practice and professional standards in Architectural Technology and are current Members of the Institute. CIAT is the only body authorised to award this status. Chartered Architectural Technologists, MCIAT or FCIAT, are qualified to offer design services and manage projects from inception to completion. They lead the technological design of a project; forming the link between concept, innovation and realisation.

Can I pay by invoice?

It is easier to pay by following the submission process through the ‘Submit a job’ button and paying by credit/debit card, as this allows quick, easy, instantaneous payment, meaning we can advertise your job as soon as we receive it. It also ensures that you are providing all the details we need about the role. If you are having issues submitting this way, please contact [email protected]

Can I get a receipt?

When submitting through the ‘Submit a job’ button, once the payment has been made, you will land on a payment received page. This will be your confirmation of payment. If, however, you still need a receipt, please contact [email protected] and a receipt can be requested from our Finance Department.

Can CIAT see how many applicants have applied for the position we have posted?

As the AT Jobs board is a noticeboard, unfortunately, we cannot see how many applicants each job post has received, and neither can we guarantee applicants.