CIAT Accreditation may apply to qualifications in Architectural Technology or related subjects that meet the CIAT criteria and QAA Subject Benchmark Statement for Architectural Technology.

CIAT will Accredit recognised qualifications at the level of a UK Honours degree programme or which equate to 180-240 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System points (ECTS) on the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).

Accreditation fees

Advisory visit
When an educational establishment requests guidance from CIAT in setting up an Architectural Technology programme which results in a visit to the establishment, CIAT will be reimbursed for any expenses* incurred.

Accreditation in Principle
Documentation review = £750* plus expenses*

Interim visit
Documentation review and visit = £1000* plus expenses*

Advisory visit
CIAT will be reimbursed for any expenses* incurred.

Accreditation Review (visit over a one day period)
Documentation review and visit = £1000* plus expenses*

For educational establishments seeking Accreditation of an academic programme which will form part of an Apprenticeship and which is clearly based upon an existing Accredited Programme, the fee for Accreditation is £500 plus VAT and expenses. This fee will apply for each cycle of Accreditation.

For educational establishments seeking Accreditation of a new academic programme that forms part of an Apprenticeship, the normal fees for Accreditation in Principle/Accreditation apply (see below). Should another programme which is clearly based upon the first Accredited Programme then be submitted for Accreditation, an additional fee of £500 plus VAT and expenses will be applied.

Accreditation in Principle - £750 plus VAT and expenses
Accreditation - £1000 plus VAT and expenses
Accreditation Review - £1000 plus VAT and expenses

In either case, if the Institute's Education Board take the view that there are substantial differences between the Programmes, a full and separate Accreditation submission for Accreditation of the additional Programme may be required, in which case the full fees will apply. The Board's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Conditional Review
Expenses* (i.e. when a university is deemed by an Accreditation Panel not to have met all requirements for Accreditation, the Panel is at liberty to set conditions and insist on another visit after a set period of time to ensure that all conditions have been met).

Partnered Institutes
If a host educational establishment offers its CIAT Accredited Architectural Technology Honours degree level programme through another partnered institute and there is no variation in programme structure and content then only expenses* must be reimbursed to CIAT. If the programme varies in any way, a full submission must be made and normal fees apply. In both instances a visit must take place at Accreditation stage and Accreditation Review stage as standard.

*All figures are subject to VAT. Expenses include post, travel and accommodation expenses for visiting Accreditation Panel.

Accreditation documents