Approval by CIAT is for programmes offered at sub-Honours degree level. The range of programmes will include (among others) Foundation degrees, Associate degrees, Ordinary degrees, University certificates/diplomas and Higher National Certificates/Diplomas.

CIAT will consider full-time, sandwich, part-time, multi-mode and distance learning programmes of varying duration for Approval. Programmes from both the UK and overseas are considered for Approval. 

Approval fees

Advisory visit
When an educational establishment requests guidance from CIAT in setting up an Architectural Technology programme which results in a visit to the establishment, CIAT will be reimbursed for any expenses* incurred.

Documentation review = £500* plus expenses*

Approval review 
Documentation review = £500* plus expenses*

Partnered Institutes
If a host educational establishment offers its CIAT Approved Architectural Technology programme through another partnered institute and there is no variation in programme structure and content then no fees will be incurred. If the programme varies in any way, a full submission must be made and normal fees apply.

*All figures are subject to VAT. Expenses include post, travel and accommodation expenses for visiting Approval Panel.

Approval documents

Document 26 Oct 2022

QAA Subject Benchmark Statement for Architectural Technology

The QAA Benchmark Statement for Architectural Technology.