This status requires the educational establishment to have a robust culture of research and knowledge exchange which has a direct and significant impact and contribution on the evolution of the distinct nature and discipline of Architectural Technology.

This will be of significant value to industry and other stakeholders at local and national level with whom the educational establishment engage.

An application for Centre of Excellence may be made at any point after the educational establishment has achieved re-Accreditation of its Architectural Technology Honours degree (or equivalent). Unless in exceptional circumstances, the educational establishment must also offer a CIAT Recognised Masters programme.

Centre of Excellence fees

Centre of Excellence (visit over a maximum one day period)
Documentation review and visit = £1000 plus expenses*

Centre of Excellence Review (visit over a maxiumum one day period)
Documentation review and visit = £1000 plus expenses*

N.B. CIAT Centre of Excellence status only refers to the educational establishment making the application and will not refer to partnered educational establishments.

*All figures are subject to VAT. Expenses include post, travel and accommodation expenses for visiting Accreditation Panel.

Centre of Excellence documents

Centre of Excellence Guidelines

Document Guidance 27 Apr 2017