
For the effective operation for any professional body, it is essential that it elects positions from amongst its membership to allow it to function within its Charter.

These positions are open to Chartered Architectural Technologists who are invited to give their enthusiasm, experience, strategic leadership, skills and time in a voluntary capacity to the work of the Institute set within the Strategic and Corporate Plans, as approved by Council. Contributing in such a capacity is two-way and Chartered Architectural Technologists who have been involved have benefitted and learnt from their experiences.

Within the Institute's governance, there are a number of core roles collectively known as the Honorary Officer positions. These are the President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Vice-President Education, Vice-President Practice and Vice-President Technical. These are all undertaken by Chartered Architectural Technologists in a voluntary capacity other than expenses which are paid for by the Institute. 

For 2024, there are three positions for election. Read the candidates' manifestos below:

President Elect/President

Dr Gihan Badi FCIAT

It is with great honour that I accept the nomination as President Elect of the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists. 

Journey and commitment
My journey, shaped by the challenges faced by women in the Middle East, has influenced my commitment to both the architecture and Architectural Technology professions. From navigating obstacles in a male-dominated construction industry to becoming a successful CIAT Chartered Practice owner, I have embraced challenges. My Doctoral degree in disaster risk management, coupled with years of teaching and research, fuels my dedication to positive change.

As a Chartered Architectural Technologist and Fellow Member, I aim to set a positive example for professionals in our field, aspiring to inspire the next generation, break barriers and address gender imbalances. Specifically, I am committed to fostering greater representation for all members and affiliates within CIAT.

My seven years as CPD Officer and Chair for the Yorkshire Regional Committee, along with roles such as a Professional Assessor and AT Awards Judge, reflect my active participation in CIAT's growth. I have tirelessly promoted the Institute at Regional and national levels, embodying my commitment to its success.

Expertise and vision
With over two decades of experience in the construction industry, my expertise extends beyond traditional architectural roles. I have transitioned from an architect to Chartered Architectural Technologist and a resilient built environment researcher. My comprehensive skill set positions me to navigate complexities and ensure successful project delivery.

Primary goals
Aligned with the Strategic and Corporate Plan, my primary goals are to:

  1. Enhance professional development, ensuring equal opportunities for all members and affiliates in all Regions and Centres.
  2. Work with the educational team to enhance and improve the educational programmes and training, emphasising core knowledge, skills, and experiences.
  3. Advocate for sustainable practices and ethical standards.
  4. Foster member and affiliate engagement and networking across Regions and Centres.
  5. Ensure transparent communication and financial stability.

Envisioning the future
I see a future where Architectural Technologists play a vital role in addressing climate challenges, leading the improvement of energy efficiency in designs, and enforcing safety standards in construction practices to create safer working environments. 

My initiatives include:

  1. Elevating our role through the integration of sustainable practices into education and professional development. 
  2. Encouraging research and innovation that contributes to climate resilience.

Enhancing member and affiliate engagement
My vision encompasses initiatives aimed at elevating member engagement, fostering a sense of belonging, and encouraging networking opportunities between members and affiliates across the Regions and Centres. Transparent communication serves as the cornerstone for building trust and fostering collaboration.

Vote for change
Vote for me, as my candidacy is fueled by a passion for positive change, enhancement and empowering the future of our Institute. I am deeply honoured to be nominated and ready to serve as a President Elect who advocates for the interests of all members and affiliates, guiding the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists towards a future marked by diversity, innovation, and resilience.

Commitment to time
As the owner of a thriving CIAT Chartered Practice, I understand the importance of time commitment. If elected as President Elect, I commit to making this position part of my daily duties, ensuring effective performance of associated responsibilities.

Tom Gray MCIAT

It is my complete honour to be standing as a candidate for President Elect of our unique and forward-thinking Institute and discipline. As the curator of this post, I want to build on the outstanding work of our previous Presidents and continue to push the boundaries to expand our professional, personal, and social outreach.

Building on our heritage, as the youngest-ever candidate for President Elect, I hope to bring fresh ideas, innovations, and opportunities to the post.

Keeping our organisation at the forefront of Architectural Technology remains key, but also to be ready to weather any future storms. I believe we must maintain our relevance and support our staff and members to excel. I feel I have the skills and determination to deliver this.

From an early age, I knew a career in design, technology and construction awaited me. It went beyond the Lego obsession. My professional career journey started some years later with an HNC apprenticeship, progressing to university, where I joined CIAT as an Associate member and then as a Chartered Member upon graduating.

A personal career highlight for me was receiving the Chartered Architectural Technologist of the Year Award from CIAT in 2021. It is this championing and recognition of emerging talent that makes CIAT of such international importance.

As President Elect, to serve you best, I feel listening is key. Only through consultation and close collaboration with our staff, delegates, representatives, members and affiliates and our wider community can we understand and learn which course of action will deliver the best onward results.

Leading through careful planning with measurable outcomes is my plan. Attracting new members and affiliates also remains critical. Giving the CIAT brand maximum visibility and exposure is essential through our Accredited and affiliated international programmes – students who should become the next generation of industry professionals and future custodians of our Institute.

My agenda will pivot around four major areas, which are as follows:

  1. Education
  2. Promoting our profession
  3. Serving our community of practice
  4. Protecting our planet

To achieve these four goals, communication is vital. I will ensure our members and affiliates keep abreast of the latest developments within our profession, by expanding on our established modes of interaction and embracing new technology, innovation, and creativity.

Education is at the core of my agenda, which I believe needs some evolutionary (if not revolutionary) transformation. By approaching and recruiting future generations at much younger ages, we enable better opportunities to educate, inspire and attract them to our profession.

Alongside this, we have a responsibility to improve equity, diversity, and inclusivity. I propose more outreach programmes for schools in deprived and underprivileged communities.

Promoting our profession involves synergy and collaboration. I believe working alongside other professionals in the AEC industry will empower us. With boundaries and definitions in place, we can collectively more forward stronger – I will always ensure the sovereignty and protected Charter of our profession are safeguarded and promoted.

With proactive leadership, I believe we can collaborate with other initiatives and disciplines across the wider architectural, built environment, civil and structural engineering, and construction professional communities to create new opportunities. 

I will commission a working group to collaborate with existing taskforces to carry out practical, applied research with direct, measurable and beneficial outcomes for the Institute and all its members and affiliates. These research streams will lead from some ideas that I have already developed with the help and support of my team. Moving forward, any new themes and topics will be debated and voted in AGMs.

Serving our community is paramount for me, as our staff and members and affiliates are our biggest asset. I will work with all members and affiliates, Regional and Centre Committees, Council, Vice-Presidents, and our CEO and the headquarters – to ensure we enable our members and affiliates to deliver the best services in their areas of work.

Professional workshops, seminars and short training packages will help improve our personal and interpersonal skills. Alongside this, by providing the best practice examples, guidelines and support documents, we can enable those members and affiliates who wish to improve those skills. Plus, all these measures will demonstrate the ongoing value of their membership.

Importantly, I will also deliver on a new initiative, to highlight mental health awareness and the wellbeing of our members and affiliates and the wider construction industry. Having suffered with my own mental health illness in 2017, I am very aware of the isolating experience this creates. Whilst our industry is developing strategies, we need to bolster this further and promote better working lifestyles. I will continue to support the outstanding work of the Architects Benevolent Society, and all they do to support design industry professionals, building on the successes and strides our current President is making with them.

Protecting our planet is inescapably important today. With over 40% of greenhouse gas emissions coming from the building and construction industry, it is one of the most significant contributors to climate change. More than any other profession, the influencers to make meaningful change must surely be the Architectural Technologists.

To keep the environment on the top of the agenda, I intend to utilise the environment as a cross-cutting theme throughout my tenure, from education outreach to professional development. Covering topics, from sustainability, environmental impacts, lifestyle assessments, biophilic design and social sustainability to circular economy.

I stand to professionally serve you, our membership, and our Institute towards a better, greener, and more sustainable future on our one and only planet.

Website - www.tomegray.co.uk
LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/tomegray
Email - [email protected]

Paul Laycock MCIAT

Growing into the future

Introduction and acknowledgement
Growing up, I always knew my home would be in the built environment. Coming from a family of trades and construction managers, almost all of my childhood memories involve the smell, taste and feel of construction.

But never did I think I would be standing for President Elect of an Institute that I regard as my home and extended family.

I am both proud, and humbled, to stand before you as nominee and promise above all else to do my absolute best in representing the interests of all members and affiliates if I am successful.

This will be of no surprise to those of you that know me. I am passionate about our Institute, the profession and all that we stand for. I am proud to call myself a Chartered Architectural Technologist and be part of a profession at the forefront of our industry. A profession and Institute that I believe will continue to grown and strengthen through the collaboration and commitment of our talented members and affiliates.

It has been a long and varied journey to get here. After my initial Higher National studies, I entered the industry in the late 80s as a construction manager (becoming a Chartered Builder soon thereafter) and became a Chartered Architectural Technologist in 2004 while running my own development company alongside two partners and fellow directors in the organisation. I returned to education in 2005 where I currently lead the design and technology programmes at Birmingham City University. 

My team are hugely supportive of me in this nomination, and this support means a lot to me. I am more than aware of the commitment this role requires and without their support I would not have the confidence to take on this demanding role and give it the time and commitment it deserves to make the best of every opportunity. 

I have been involved with the Institute at both a Regional and national level since 2005. As one of the original moderators for membership assessment panels; interviewing candidates on interview panels; judging student awards; Chairing programme Accreditation panels; and as Vice-President Education. During this I have had the good fortune to work with our strong and dedicated team at Central Office and the equal fortune to meet and work with many of you in all our Regions and Centres.

The future of Architectural Technology, the Institute and the profession
Our Institute is a body for its members and affiliates, run by its members and affiliates. Our future is in our hands with that future never being stronger than it is today.

I believe in the talent and commitment of our members and affiliates, not only setting the trends, but leading and developing those trends into the future and setting an example to others.

My vision is to see the Institute continue to reinforce its position as a leading professional body.

Members to be seen as an indispensable element in every professional team, and the Institute to be seen as a destination of first choice, with Chartered Membership as a logical and necessary step in the career journey.

My promise – If I am successful, I promise to promote the strength of our membership at all levels and promote a strong sense of identity to all members and affiliates.

Professional identity
I believe we all need to have a common voice in stating our identity, and the skills and attributes of the professional Architectural Technologist that make up that identity. 

My promise – If I am successful, I promise to campaign to clarify what it means to be a professional Architectural Technologist in its widest sense and campaign to see this recognised throughout all levels of our educational systems; our Regions and Centres; and the industry, employers, government departments and the broader society who engage our services.

Growing into the future
Growing our membership is imperative for our future and the sustainable future of the Institute.

Growing membership has been a priority for many Past Presidents. I share that vision. The promise I have made above will help considerably in promoting and growing our membership into the future.

Always in motion the future is, and I believe the future of our members and affiliates looks exciting. We are all familiar with the work done by organisations like the CITB in identifying the 'skills gap' in our industry. But perhaps less familiar with research that tells us that around 65% of the children entering primary school this year will end up in jobs that do not even exist yet. We hear about the emergence of 'big data', 'smart cities' and 'digital technology'. All of these are opportunities for short, medium, and long-term growth.

But this growth must be a planned and managed growth.

My further promise – to support the Institute's growth into the future by seeking to identify the directions, needs and requirements of the future Architectural Technologist and the future of Architectural Technology.

What would I like to look back on?
If successful in this election, I would like to end my term as President and look back on a stronger Institute; a stronger profession; and an Institute that has membership and members and affiliates as its first priority. I am the right candidate to make a real difference to our profession. 

If you share my vision, then vote for me. I will not let you down.

Usman Yaqub FCIAT

As we look back on the challenges faced by the architectural industry in recent years, including issues such as climate change, the fallout from the Grenfell tragedy, the tragic Awaab Ishak case, discovery of RAAC in schools, ongoing flood risk to councils, bio-diversity net gain requirements and 15-minute cities – the list goes on, which has resulted in changes to planning laws and building control, and how forthcoming applications are assessed. As a highly skilled Chartered Institute, we are well positioned to face these challenges, and lead on these subjects and take a leading role in shaping the future of our profession pre-emptively approaching concept, innovation and realisation and navigating an ever more complex environment of building physics, design and the integration of artifical intelligence. 

My vision for the Presidency is to build on the achievements of our Institute and Regions and Centres, expanding initiatives and developing ideas on a wider scale. I am committed to having a global impact and advancing our Institute's membership with valuable resources and increased engagement.

My active involvement within the Institute began in 2018 having previously completed my Chartership in 2014. Since then, I have volunteered for several roles in the Region, initially working with the aspirATion initiative, and more recently being nominated for Chair and CPD Officer of the Wessex Region. We have invigorated activity within the Region, developing closer ties with universities, among students, recent graduates, and Chartered professionals. This has been in the form of a structured calendar of events, including lectures, Coffee Clubs, and Meet the Technologist, in addition to developing relationships with other Chartered institutes. 

Alongside my involvement in CIAT, I am Director of Studio Yaqub Architecture, an architectural consultancy based in Bristol. As a practice, we work across a number of sectors with a specialty in challenging residential and commercial developments. Aside from this, I am Associate Lecturer at the University of West England where I provide support to the array of architecture programmes, including the CIAT Accredited Architectural Technology and Design programme.

In 2021, I was honoured to be a recipient of the prestigious Gold Award and was named 42 under 42 Insider Media South West 2022, acknowledging the work I do as part of the Institute. Within the same year, I obtained my Fellowship with the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists.

One area I aim to champion as President Elect is the continued professional development of our profession. In 2021, following the mass transition to online video calls, as a Region we set up the CPD in 43 series. Since its formation, we have organised over 50 CPD events which have been seen by over 10,000 professionals live, and even more on CIAT's YouTube channel. We continue to build on its success and have an exciting range of events planned for 2024.

These key learning experiences and exposure have provided me with a deep understanding of the profession and its needs. The following outlines the key areas I will focus on if I were to be voted President Elect.

There is a clear need for the Institute to provide a structured CPD framework for us to develop as professionals. The aim is to build upon the success of CPD in 43 and develop this model further to provide deeper dives into areas of further learning. Having championed this for several years, I am certain with its popularity and continued demand this is a space that can be focused on and developed further to provide a valuable resource that will be available to our membership and help promote the Institute within the industry. This would be implemented by creating a monthly CPD framework that amalgamates the popular CPD in 43 series, in addition to expanding on the range of events and development opportunities with the aim to add value to membership, share knowledge and enhance our capabilities within the built environment. All with the aid of Central Office and a suitably representative taskforce that can allow Regions and Centres to focus on deeper dives and dynamic in-person events.

As an Institute, we are well respected within the industry, in the UK and internationally. However, we need to focus on retaining student members and converting them to become Chartered. Every year there are hundreds of Architectural Technology students graduating across the globe. Focusing on the journey from student to Chartered Architectural Technologist in greater detail with the aim of adding value, developing a community, and ensuring people feel an affinity with the Institute is a key task. This will be done by working closely with membership, education and the aspirATion Group to really understand how this can be improved to give a clear legacy of growth and retention. I am also keen to champion the future leaders' initiative that I believe should be implemented at the earliest opportunity. In addition to retaining student members and graduates, it is equally important to retain existing members and affiliates and those reaching or having recently stepped into retirement. Each year, Regional/Centre Committees are seeking opportunities to bring members and affiliates together, therefore it is important to focus its members and affiliates and facilitate these opportunities.

As an Institute and as Chartered professionals, we are a key member of the construction industry with immeasurable amounts of knowledge and expertise. It is about time we get our elbows out and make ourselves heard. I believe in championing individuals who showcase the best in Architectural Technology and we should continue to build upon the Where it's AT campaign to highlight us as a profession and develop our identity as technical experts in our industry.

In addition to strengthening our identity as an Institute, and as a practice owner myself, I also believe that further support can be provided to individuals and CIAT Chartered Practices on the business of architecture. If voted President Elect, I would recommend a review of the support available with a representative committee being established. I staunchly believe that there is a gap of business and economics understanding that exists for many and whilst this is not an essential element to most Architectural Technology programmes, it is a key skill that we need to develop within practice, whether you are an employee, self-employed or a business owner; I want to see businesses thrive. Therefore, I would focus on what the Institute could do to provide these resources to develop these key skills.

We are an essential discipline that has immense value to inform and advise the construction industry and wider public and as such, it is key for us to give the tools to our members and affiliates to allow them to showcase their abilities and talent.

Over the years, I have met many members and affiliates and count many as friends. Having spent time and learnt a lot from these individuals, I can see that the passion, enthusiasm and expertise members and affiliates give the Institute. If elected, I will do my upmost to not only support existing initiatives but also keen to implement Institute wide developments to:

  • Develop: I will work to create a structured CPD framework to provide deeper learning opportunities for our members and affiliates. This will involve expanding on successful initiatives such as the CPD in 43 series and collaborating with Central Office and a representative taskforce to offer a range of events, including deeper dives and dynamic in-person events.
  • Retain: I will prioritise retaining student members and converting them to become Chartered Architectural Technologists. By working closely with membership, education and the aspirATion Group, we will develop a community and ensure a clear path from student to Chartered professional.
  • Value: I will champion the Where its AT campaign to highlight the expertise of Architectural Technologists in the industry. Additionally, I will focus on providing support to individuals and practices on the business of architecture, aiming to develop key skills on business acumen and ensure the thriving of architectural businesses.

In conclusion, I am deeply honoured to be considered for this position and am committed to supporting existing initiatives while implementing new developments to enhance our membership's growth and value. With a dynamic and passionate membership, we are well-equipped to meet the challenges ahead and elevate the profession to new heights. I humbly ask for your support in this endeavour. Together, we can add value and seize the opportunities that lie before us.

Honorary Treasurer

Stacey Taylor MCIAT

Sitting down to write this manifesto, I have considered the journey that CIAT and I have taken in the time that I have been a member. For me, I have seen career progression, a cross-country home move, getting married and becoming a mother. For CIAT, there has been a professional qualification review, the reinvention of the AT Awards, the completion of the long-awaited office refurbishment, the introduction of the Fellow membership grade and of course our new CEO, to name some highlights.

I feel privileged to have been nominated for the position of Honorary Treasurer; I am deeply passionate about the Institute and eager to bring my skills and dedication to this position.

I became a Chartered Member in 2013 and distinctly remember James Banks, Membership Director, suggesting I get in touch with my Regional Committee. I was warmly welcomed into the Committee where I initially held the role of CPD Officer before being nominated as Councillor in 2016. Shortly after this, I was encouraged to volunteer for, and was successful in obtaining, a position on the Finance Committee. I relocated in 2019 and was able to take on the position of Councillor for the Wessex Region which enabled me to continue in my finance role.

I feel my journey with CIAT has given me a valuable insight into how we operate on a Regional, national, international, and central level, and how as Honorary Treasurer I would be able to support all of the initiatives implemented across our Institute. I believe in ensuring members and affiliates can be part of their Regional/Centre Committees; the chance to become the Honorary Treasurer of our Institute would mean I maintain involvement in the Institute I am so proud to be a part of, and would afford another member or affiliate the chance to become involved in the Wessex Regional Committee – I implore all members and affiliates considering joining their Regional/Centre Committee to do so. It has been an incredibly rewarding position and one I have benefited from in a multitude of ways.

The primary function of the Honorary Treasurer is, as Chair of the Finance Committee, working with the Chief Executive and the Finance Department, to ensure the Institute remains effective and viable. The Institute is here for its members and affiliates and exists because of its members and affiliates. We face continual challenges in our micro and macroeconomic climates, but I will endeavour to ensure CIAT prospers and remains dedicated to its members and affiliates. 

Not overlooking the excellent work Doug Fewkes MCIAT has overseen in the role of Honorary Treasurer, we must maintain and continue to develop sound financial strategies that align with the Institute's goals and objectives. This includes creating realistic budgets, identifying, and diversifying revenue streams, and managing resources efficiently to support the growth and sustainability of our organisation.

Open and constructive communication is vital for the success of any organisation. I will enhance our already collaborative environment, working closely with other executive members, Committees, and general members. Regular updates and forums will facilitate discussions on financial matters and gather valuable input from the membership. We must continue to ensure that all financial transactions are conducted with integrity, and I will provide regular, clear, and detailed financial reports. By fostering a culture of openness, members and affiliates will have a comprehensive understanding of our financial health.

The Regional/Centre Committees are a key interface between the Institute and the members and affiliates, and it is vital they are supported. Through budgeting and planning, the Institute must ensure that we continue to support Regions and Centres in their push to maintain and recruit members and affiliates, focus must remain on CPD and networking events to enhance the standing of our Institute, balanced finely with supporting the Central Office in its vital work to ensure it remains agile and proactive within our ever-changing industry.

It is our collective responsibility to ensure that our Institute and profession continues to thrive; our ambition is to be at the forefront of recognition within our industry and it takes every member to achieve this. I do not underestimate the responsibility placed on the role of Honorary Treasurer and the role that an effective financial strategy has on our success. I will act with integrity and passion to ensure all decisions made are for the benefit of our Institute and members and affiliates.

Vice-President Technical

Dan Rossiter FCIAT

About me
After completing an Accredited programme in Architectural Design Technology at Coventry University, I spent several years in practice at Cardiff City Council; designing new schools as well as the extension and refurbishment of leisure centres and listed libraries. During my time in practice, I developed an interest in technical standards, digitalisation and optimisation. This led me to the Building Research Establishment (BRE) where I developed training, spoke at events, and worked with businesses across the globe to develop their approach to Building Information Modelling (BIM), as well as represented BRE on standards committees as their subject matter expert. For my efforts, I was nominated and awarded the inaugural Chartered Architectural Technologist of the Year Award.

In my current role as a Sector Lead at the British Standards Institution (BSI), I provide strategic insights relating to the built environment through my understanding of design, procurement, and construction in the form of thought leadership, public speaking and outreach. In addition, I contribute to the development of national, European and international standards through technical input as well as the convenorship of several international working groups.

Current/previous involvement
Since joining CIAT in 2006, I have actively tried to support the Institute and the discipline, at all levels. Locally, this has included reviving the Welsh Region, Chairing both aspirATion Wales and the Welsh Region, as well as being Councillor. Centrally, this has included contributing to several taskforces, as well as my current role as Vice-President Technical.

In addition, I have contributed to specific questions, consultations and queries relating to technical documentation, information management and BIM, as well as having presented on these topics on behalf of CIAT at external events and as part of the CPD in 43 series.

What can I bring to the Institute?
I bring an externally facing perspective to the Institute. As part of my role within BSI, I often engage with professionals across the many built environment institutes and associations. In doing so, I have learnt about how they and their bodies operate, allowing me to see opportunities to work together or to borrow from their successes.

One example of this is my current work to establish 'societies' within CIAT. An idea inspired by CIBSE, these societies would provide a focal point for members and affiliates to discuss key topic areas. Whilst we are trialling the 'digital society' first, my hope is we can establish other societies to foster more inter-CIAT discussions, as well as engage with like-minded groups within other institutes. Another example being my ability to leverage my relationships with high-profile professionals, such as when I collaborated with the then President of the Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors on CIAT's pilot podcast series. 

Goals as aligned to the Strategic and Corporate Plan
This remains a tricky topic as we have yet to refresh our existing plan. However, I believe our next plan should have a closer relationship to government strategy documents and policies such as the Construction Playbook and Transforming Infrastructure Performance Roadmap to 2030. With a key aim of our existing 2018-23 plan being to enhance the profile of the discipline, I believe an effective way of doing so is through alignment with these strategy documents as they identify the vision for a future built environment. I hope to ensure that Architectural Technology is a firm part of this future.

Why vote for me?
As I stated within my original manifesto, my main goal as Vice-President is to improve how members and affiliates gain access to information relating to good practice such as standards, insights, and case studies. Two years in, I believe I have made good progress by establishing the groundwork to create 'societies' which will control their own portfolio of resources, including information sheets. I hope that each society will use its ownership of these resources to tackle misinformation as well as cultivate member-appropriate good practice information about their respective domains.

Time commitment to the role
Simply put, I have met all of my commitments as Vice-President Technical for the past two years without issue. I expect this to continue as BSI remains supportive of my desire to perform this role.

I look foward to a spirited campaign and hearing your views on how I, as Vice-President Technical, can continue to support you, your Region/Centre, and the Institute as a whole. Please feel free to get in touch!

Get to know me!
 – DRossiter87
LinkedIn – DRossiter87


Key dates

Campaigning by candidates
1 March - 13 September 2024 inclusive

Election e-alerts and updates on the website
 1 March - 6 September 2024 inclusive

Election at Council
7 September 2024
Candidates advised if not in attendance at Council

E-alert announcing the election results
9 September 2024

Assumption of position
16 November 2024 close of 2024 AGM