ABS Cost of Living Crisis Appeal

Architects Benevolent Society (ABS) is doing everything they can to meet the needs of their beneficiaries during this cost of living crisis but they need your help.

There are members of the architectural community struggling to pay their energy bills and put food on the table. Changes to the Universal Credit benefit, along with the increase in National Insurance contributions means that vulnerable families are being hit the hardest. Low-income households could be spending more than 50% of their income on energy.

In these challenging times it can be hard to know how to support each other. By making a donation to ABS you enable them to provide an instant lifeline to those in the architectural community.

Their experienced welfare team and partnerships with Shelter, Renevo and Anxiety UK enable ABS to provide expert advice and financial support to those who need it, as well as other much needed support including mental health, housing advice and job search support. 

Regular donations allow ABS to plan and budget ahead of time so they can help the most amount of people in the most effective ways. Through gifting regularly you are helping those in your community who are most vulnerable during this challenging period and building a foundation of support for all.

Please make a regular donation to ABS. Now more than ever they need your support.

Donate now

You can find out more on how ABS are able to help the architectural community on their website.

If you or someone you know is struggling, please call the ABS helpline at 020 3918 8588

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Architects Benevolent Society