New CIAT bank details in Republic of Ireland

Our bank details in the Republic of Ireland have changed.

The bank details, Permanent TSB, Account no: 80058068 Sort code: 99-66-01 are no longer in use and have been replaced with the bank details below.

New bank account details:

Bank name: Allied Irish Bank, 126-128 Capel Street, Dublin 1, DO1 VW89
Account name: Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists
Sort code: 93-11-01
Account number: 72425022
IBAN: IE77AIBK93110172425022

We would be grateful if you could change any current standing orders with the new bank details showing above with immediate effect. Please can you notify your employer of the new bank details, if they pay your CIAT subscription.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]

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