President Elect candidate reports on Hustings

Dr Badi shares her summary from the Honorary Officer Hustings on 11 July.

As I continue my campaign for the position of President Elect, I am honoured to present my vision for the future of CIAT.

Summary of my presentation:

My journey in Architectural Technology has been shaped by over 20 years in the construction industry, starting as an architect in a male-dominated field in the Middle East. This path has led me to become a CIAT Chartered Practice owner, with a doctoral degree in resilience and disaster risk management. My experience includes seven years as CPD Officer and Chair of the Yorkshire Region Committee, and roles as a Professional Assessor and AT Awards Judge. I have built strong international connections across the Middle East, Malaysia, and Indonesia, and currently lead a Disaster Risk Management training program for Libyan Local Authorities.

Vision and goals:

  1. Expand international membership: Strengthen UK membership and promote global expansion, particularly in the Middle East and Asia.
  2. Foster member engagement and networking: Enhance connections across Regions and empower members in the voting process.
  3. Improve educational programmes and training: Work with CIAT’s educational team to enhance core knowledge and support sustainable design research.
  4. Ensure transparent communication and financial stability: Maintain open communication and manage resources responsibly.
  5. Promote equal rights for Architectural Technologists: Advocate for recognition and equality for ATs in Ireland and support the ATR register.
  6. Reform the election system: Implement an online voting system for a more democratic and inclusive election process.

Future vision:

I envision a future where Architectural Technologists lead further in sustainability, energy efficiency, and safety standards. My initiatives include integrating sustainable practices into education, encouraging research, and enhancing member engagement by fostering a sense of community within CIAT. I am committed to supporting professional advancement, ensuring that Associates and affiliates receive guidance to achieve Chartered status.

Commitment to the role:

As a CIAT Chartered Practice owner, I understand the importance of commitment. If elected, I will dedicate time daily to fulfill the responsibilities of the President Elect role.

It is a great honor to be nominated, and I am prepared to serve, championing the interests of all members and guiding CIAT towards a future of diversity, innovation, and resilience.

Voting for me means supporting the advancement of our Institute, building on the progress of past presidents, and enhancing the future of CIAT.

Here are my answers to the questions raised during the Hustings:

How do you see CIAT developing internationally and what is the future for our International Centres?

In my engagements at World Union of Architects events since 2013, I see CIAT's potential to emerge as a leading global Institute. Currently, I lead a training programme in Libya with the European programme Rebuild, promoting Chartered ATs. To enhance CIAT's global influence, I propose strategic partnerships with international bodies and academic institutions. For example, collaborating with the International Union of Architects and UNESCO can align our standards globally. Expanding educational programmes through a Global CPD Portal and establishing Regional hubs will support our international members and foster their growth. Strengthening communication between CIAT Central Office and International Centres is crucial for seamless collaboration and achieving shared goals.

Is there anything missing from the CIAT Strategic Plan 2018-24?

While CIAT's Strategic Plan 2018-24 is comprehensive, it lacks mechanisms to actively engage members in decision-making. We need a revamped voting system to ensure all members participate effectively. Transparent communication channels are essential for members to raise industry-related concerns. Empowering members through direct involvement in strategic processes will enhance CIAT's effectiveness and responsiveness.

From your experience as a Regional Committee Chair or CPD Officer, what is the most important aspect you aim to develop or improve if elected as President Elect?

As a former Regional Committee Chair and CPD Officer, my priority is to enhance member engagement and foster a sense of community across all Regions. I have successfully promoted attendance at meetings and events, engaging with students to educate them about our profession. If elected, I will revive and expand these initiatives to ensure all members feel connected and empowered. Reforming the voting system will democratise the election process, allowing broader member participation.

Are AT students automatically made members of CIAT when they join the course, and how do their fees work?

AT students aren't automatically CIAT members upon enrolment but are invited to join during their studies. I propose offering new graduates a year of free membership to support their career beginnings. CIAT offers diverse pathways to Chartered status beyond university degrees, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility to all qualified candidates through professional assessment.

Is there any route to becoming Chartered apart from a university degree?

CIAT is the only Institute offering different pathways to qualify as Chartered Members. As a professional assessor, candidates with various backgrounds can meet CIAT's Chartered requirements in four areas: design, management, practice, and development.

Did any of the candidates conduct any research on the tasks that the Central Office is already working on?

Based on my research, expanding CIAT's membership base internationally is vital for sustained revenue growth and member support. Enhancing communication channels will better engage members in decision-making processes and ensure their voices are heard across Regions and Centres.

Is ARB's plan to remove Part One a threat or an opportunity to ATs?

ARB's plan to remove Part One poses a threat as it may attract students with easier entry routes into architecture. However, this challenge presents an opportunity for CIAT to highlight the technical expertise and excellence of its members. By raising our profile and actively participating in global discussions, we can showcase AT's capabilities in addressing critical issues like climate change and sustainability.

How can CIAT financially manage the new initiatives proposed by your candidacy?

Implementing cost-effective measures like an online voting system can significantly reduce expenses currently incurred for in-person voting. Leveraging my global network, I aim to forge early-stage collaborations with universities and institutes to expand CIAT's international membership. Securing sponsors for Regional CPD and social events will enhance member engagement without straining CIAT's financial resources.