Don’t rip out your sash and case windows! Come and learn how to carry out your own repairs.

Did you know that in most cases you can undertake simple repairs, retain these period features and ensure the value of your traditional building is not compromised?

This practical course will prove invaluable if you have a property with sash and case windows. We will cover a short history of the development of windows before looking at the different components that make up a window and the issues to consider when approaching repairs. The course will allow attendees to identify and address various problems that commonly occur with sash windows. Topics covered will include window dismantling and reassembly, replacing ropes, weights, panes and putty. Various repair and improvement techniques will also be covered. 

Cost/fee for attendance: £164.30 + VAT
Upcoming dates: 8 November 2024, 14 March 2025
Book here