To recognise outstanding achievement by students graduating on Accredited programmes, CIAT offers the Award for Outstanding Graduating Student in Architectural Technology.

The Institute is committed to acknowledging the success of its student members; all certificates will be issued electronically until December 2024. 


This Award recognises outstanding achievement by students graduating from Accredited programmes and is presented to a graduating student who, in the opinion of the Programme Leader, worked to the best of their abilities, putting the greatest effort into their work. They are presented with a certificate of achievement, an upgrade to Associate membership (for the remainder of the subscription year) and £50. The nominee must be a student member of CIAT.

Nominations should be submitted at the end of the academic year by using the application form below. The Education Department will then arrange for the issue of the certificate, membership upgrade and payment. N.B. the student will need to contact Central Office with their bank details in order to receive their prize money. Cheques are not issued.

The Award should be promoted as the 'Outstanding Student Award' and the certificate issued is what should should be presented to the student.

Oustanding Student Award nomination form



N.B. Winners are urged to contact the Education Department as soon as possible as prize money will only be paid until the end of December 2024.