Final call for copy for next issue of aspirATion magazine

Last chance to submit your articles/features – deadline tomorrow, Friday 26 February.

The next issue of aspirATion magazine – your e-magazine which is for aspiring and newly qualified Architectural Technology professionals  - will appear in the spring and its Editors are looking for contributions with an article/feature on any of the following:

  • Your experiences of lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic – how did this affect your study and university programme? Did you take up a new hobby or learn a new skill?

  • Why you chose to study Architectural Technology – case studies are welcome from all students.

  • Work placements

  • Your experience of entering industry following graduation

  • Competitions and awards you have taken part in

  • Site visits taken place throughout your programme

  • Showcasing your work – could be a project, dissertation, your involvement in end of year shows

  • Recommendations and reviews of useful resources you have used such as software, websites etc

  • Life outside Architectural Technology and sharing your interests with your peers

This list is not exhaustive – just a few ideas that you may like to write about. We would love to hear from you!

Articles should be around 700-800 words. Please accompany them with high quality imagery.

When preparing your article, please refer to the following:

  • Copy to be submitted in Word format

  • Images should be submitted as image files (i.e. jpeg) separate from Word documents, not embedded and at 300 dpi or higher

  • Images should not be submitted for use without permission of the copyright holder

  • Images should be accompanied by an explanation of the image including the names of any persons featured and where the photograph was taken

The deadline is Friday 26 February 2021, submitted to April McKay, Communiciations Assistant [email protected] and Jitka Jouklova, Education and International Administrator, j[email protected].

Not every article we receive may be published; it is at the discretion of the Editors. However, all submissions are retained and may be included in future issues.

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