Call for evidence | Industry and Regulators Committee - Skills inquiry

The Industry and Regulators Committee in the House of Lords have launched a new inquiry, Skills for the future: apprenticeships and training.

The inquiry will focus on the role of apprenticeships and in-work training in delivering the skills the UK economy needs for the future. The inquiry will examine whether the UK's current systems and policies for apprenticeships and in-work training are working and, if not, how they should be reformed. In doing so, the inquiry will consider the responsibilities of government, employers, training providers, as well as individuals, and the incentives facing these groups. 

Anyone with expertise in or experience of the matters under consideration in its inquiry are asked to submit written evidence by Thursday 30 May 2024. The call for evidence, which contains instructions for submitting evidence and the full list of questions the Committee is interested in, is available here.

The Committee Secretariat can be contacted at [email protected] for any queries.

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