CIAT and CICES formalise Collaborative Arrangement

CIAT and the Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (CICES) formally entered into a five-year Collaborative Agreement on 24 April, with the aim of co-operating further on matters in common relating to Architectural Technology and Civil Engineering Surveying.

The purpose of this formal arrangement is to extend dialogue between the two organisations, encouraging them and their respective memberships to collaborate on areas of mutual interest and benefit. This includes professional development, conferences, education, member services and professional services, thereby widening the range of amenities the two organisations can offer. The organisations will also promote each other, work together on initiatives, share information and support and assist each other with lobbying and joint action.

CIAT Chief Executive, Tara Page, said:

This is a wonderful opportunity for CIAT and its members and affiliates. I’m thrilled to formalise and strengthen our relationship with CICES. There are several areas of common interest between our memberships and I look forward to seeing what exciting results our collaboration will generate.

The bodies have agreed to an annual review of the relationship and its resulting activities, with an option to continue the arrangement beyond its initial term. It is a non-legally binding Collaborate Arrangement and not the creation of a partnership, joint venture or agency.


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