A final message before the election from President Elect candidate

Dr Gihan Badi FCIAT shares a message to members and affiliates before the election.


Dear members and affiliates,

I trust this message finds you well and that you enjoyed a pleasant summer holiday.

Over the past few months, starting from March, my campaign journey as CIAT President Elect candidate has been both extensive and deeply rewarding. It all began with the in-person Honorary Officer presentations at the Council meeting in London, which marked the first step in sharing my vision for the Institute. This was followed by the Elections Hustings in July, organised by the Institute, where I had the chance to further engage with our members and discuss the future of our profession.

In addition to these formal events, I took a proactive approach in March and April by reaching out directly to members and affiliates across the UK and internationally. Through personal messages and direct communications, I sought to understand the concerns and aspirations of our community. The response has been overwhelming, with a huge influx of feedback and support that has not only enriched my campaign but also reaffirmed the need for a leadership approach that is inclusive and responsive.

Throughout this campaign, I have focused on presenting a vision that is both forward-thinking and inclusive. My candidacy is centred on bringing substantial, transformative change that goes beyond individual achievements. I am committed to expanding our membership nationally and globally, protecting equal rights for Architectural Technologists, especially in Ireland, and ensuring that the CIAT brand is recognised and respected both nationally and internationally.

In the past three weeks alone, I had the honour of joining fellow candidates in two Regional meetings — Scotland East and Yorkshire — and an additional three meetings where I was the sole candidate, including the Republic of Ireland Centre Committee, the Channel Islands Region and Europe Centre. These meetings have been instrumental in allowing me to present my vision for CIAT and to engage directly with members, affiliates, and committees, receiving invaluable feedback.

During these meetings and discussions, I’ve been asked some insightful and challenging questions, which reflect the concerns and aspirations of our members. Below is a summary of these questions and my responses, which highlight the key elements of my manifesto and future plans for CIAT:

1. Enhancing the education system for Architectural Technology:
While our universities deliver solid curricula, there is room for improvement in standardising materials and ensuring that all programmes are taught by highly qualified professionals. I am committed to working closely with the Central Office and the Education Officer to elevate the quality of education across all institutions.

2. Encouraging more females to study Architectural Technology:
I plan to collaborate with Regional Committees to organise school outreach programmes, inspiring the next generation to pursue careers in Architectural Technology.

3. Expanding membership globally:
Building on past initiatives, I aim to explore new markets, particularly in Asia and the Middle East, to increase international student memberships and attract professionals from across the construction industry. This expansion will not only lead to more Chartered Members but also enhance the global recognition and influence of the CIAT brand, positioning us as a leading authority in Architectural Technology.

4. International Centres and global collaboration:
My plan includes enhancing the role of international Centres, ensuring they are integral to CIAT’s global strategy. By working closely with these Centres, we can create a cohesive global network that supports the professional development of our members worldwide and promotes the CIAT brand internationally.

5. Promoting the role of Architectural Technologists:
I believe in a more robust strategy beyond social media, ensuring our presence in government and industry discussions, and actively promoting our contributions on both national and international platforms.

6. Collaborating with other institutes, especially in the Republic of Ireland:
I am committed to working closely with government bodies, educational institutions, and industry stakeholders to ensure that our members are recognised, and our profession is respected.

7. Empowering Committees and Centres in decision-making:
My campaign includes proposals for greater autonomy for Committees and Centres, including the introduction of online voting system to allow all members and affiliates to have a direct say in the Institute’s decisions.

8. Focusing on urgent issues as President Elect:
My primary goals include promoting equal rights for Architectural Technologists within the construction industry, especially in regions like Ireland, and responding proactively to challenges posed by changes in architectural registration and curriculum standards.

9. Key change as President:
I would prioritise ensuring that Architectural Technologists receive equal recognition and rights within the industry. This includes advocating for the ability to sign off on work we are qualified for, which is essential for the credibility and growth of our profession.

10. Managing time as President Elect:
My experience in balancing a successful CIAT Chartered Practice with other significant commitments, like delivering a disaster risk management training programme in collaboration with the European initiative Rebuild, demonstrates my ability to take on the responsibilities of President Elect without compromising on my promises.

As we approach the election on 7 September, I urge you to consider the vision and commitment I bring to the role of President Elect. Your vote is a powerful tool to shape the future of CIAT, ensuring that our profession is recognised, valued, and strengthened both nationally and internationally. Together, we can build a more inclusive, responsive, and dynamic Institute that truly represents and empowers all its members and affiliates.

Please cast your vote for a future where every member's voice is heard, and our profession thrives.

#PresidentElect2024 #CIAT #ArchitecturalTechnology #Leadership #Innovation

There are four President Elect candidates standing for election on 7 September:

  1. Dr Gihan Badi FCIAT
  2. Tom Gray MCIAT
  3. Paul Laycock MCIAT
  4. Usman Yaqub FCIAT

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