Planning applications rise sharply as confidence begins to return

A resurgence in planning applications has occurred with an increase in June.

Planning applications fell significantly during lockdown, with previous Planning Portal Market Insight Reports showing volumes below expected levels by 18.5% and 14% in April and May respectively. However, there has been an enormous resurgence in applications for the month of June, with an increase of 21% compated to typical June numbers.

This positive turnaround may be due to both businesses and homeowners feeling more confident with the recent easing of lockdown rules, meaning they're ready to submit applications that were previously on hold during the uncertainty of the previous few months.

The largest increase in applications came from homeowners, making improvements to their own properties. These types of applications were 24% higher than usual, whereas larger scale developments are picking up more slowly and remain slightly lower than is usual for this time of year.

This month's report also features a deeper analysis on residential proposals submitted so far in 2020. The analysis of this planning application data shows a net 128,605 additional residential housing units were applied for in the first six months of 2020.

The report gives further detail on the locations of these units, as well as the numbers of existing and proposed dwellings, dwelling types such as flats or houses, and housing categories, for example market or affordable.

This report is part of a series published by Planning Portal.

July's Market Insight Report is available here.

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