PQP card requirements amended

Following a review of the recognition of Professional Bodies for the issue of the Professionally Qualified Person (PQP) card, CSCS will only recognise professionally qualified members of such bodies for the issue of the PQP card from 30 June.

Professional members of approved bodies can continue to apply for their PQP cards via their respective organisation as normal, however those not yet professionally qualified should apply directly via CSCS.uk.com for their required card – most likely the Apprentice, Trainee or Academically Qualified Person (AQP) cards.

This decision will not affect the renewal of cards for those who hold professionally qualified grades of membership that are currently recognised by CSCS.

Why has CSCS carried out the review and why is it necessary?

  • To ensure its compliance with Construction Leadership Council (CLC) requirements that require proof of a competence assessment for the issue of skilled, advanced craft, supervisor, manager and PQP cards.
  • To limit potential harm from fraudulent activity around CSCS card applications.
  • To address any confusion around the requirements for members of professional bodies who do not hold a professionally qualified grade of membership attaining CSCS cards.

From July 2023, CSCS will conduct an audit of all professional bodies that it has given recognition to, in order to ensure their membership grades that are recognised for the issue of the PQP card are compliant with the proposed changes. 

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