'Protected development' transitional provision expiring at end of July 2022

Changes to legislation that came into force from the start of August 2021 meant that, in a few specific circumstances, what used to be considered eligible as permitted development until the end of July 2021, would no longer be.

From Planning Portal:

In these circumstances, government implemented a provision that classified such proposals as ‘protected development’. This ensured that, for a further year until the end of July 2022, they could continue to be considered eligible for permitted development rights. 

When this period expires, there will be several types of Prior Approval applications affected and we will be taking appropriate action to update the system to account for this. 

The updates will be applied to the online system in the first scheduled release of August 2022. We will also make corresponding changes to our PDF paper forms and website content where required. 

See more on what Prior Approval application types are to be removed and updated here.

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