T Levels Week | England

This week (10-14 October) marks T Levels week in England.

Launched in September 2020, T Levels are 2-year qualifications which were developed in collaboration with employers and education providers to meet the needs of industry while also preparing students to enter skilled employment, apprenticeship or related studies in further or higher Education. This is because T Levels offer students practical learning alongside work experience/an industry placement of approximately 45 days. 

Students can enrol onto a T Level after GCSEs and are roughly equivalent to 3 A-levels. They are offered at certain colleges, schools and other providers across England.

Employers interested in offering a placement to T Level students can find out more here. To find out about the benefits of offering a work placement, click here or watch this video. Case studies and downloadable resources on how to offer valuable work experience are available here.

If your organisation already offers T Level students work experience, use #TLevelsWeek to share your experiences with others on social media.

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