Online | How to better prepare for your retirement

Seminar 1 pm-2 pm, 18 Jul 2024

Come and hear from two financial experts on retirement planning.


Kevin Hollister, who founded Guiide, a unique retirement planning tool available to CIAT members and affiliates.

Kevin is a previous pensions scheme actuary with over 25 years’ experience in pensions, investment and modelling. In 2020, Kevin launched Guiide to use this knowledge to help individuals plan their retirement. Passionate about people getting the best retirement outcome possible, he is a regular speaker at pension events and podcasts and likes to talk about retirement in the press and anywhere else he gets the chance.

Dianne Sullivan, an IFA financial coach with her own YouTube channel who believes in empowering people to achieve the life they want.

Whether you're early, mid or late career, there will be key take-outs for everyone. Dianne, through working with her coaching clients, has proven that many people don’t want to be sold financial products or pay ongoing fees, rather they want to build their own knowledge and confidence to gain control of their own financial planning. Dianne truly believes that our money goals should be guided by our core values and life goals. Money is simply a tool for buying the freedom to do whatever you want with your time.