Webinar | The Age of Discovery: Mapping the AI & Architecture Landscape - Simon Murphy MCIAT

7 pm-8.30 pm, 21 May 2024
Yorkshire, North West, Northern, Northern Ireland, East Anglia, Greater London, East Midlands, Channel Islands, Central, Australasia Centre, Asia Centre, Europe Centre, Middle East and Africa Centre, West Midlands, The Americas Centre, Hong Kong Centre, Wessex, Western, Wales, South East, Scotland West, Scotland East, Republic of Ireland Centre

Join the Yorkshire Region for this online event about AI.

The Age of Discovery: Mapping the AI & Architecture Landscape

Speaker: Simon Murphy MCIAT

  • Help clear the fog and navigate the complex AI and architecture landscape.  
  • Review the map of AI tools available out in industry and explore how Architectural Technologists and architects can and are using AI to support the design process in their work in practice.
  • Review of AI abilities and the technology used to create them defining the parameters of their use to give a clear understanding of what different tools are available to transform how architecture is designed.
  • Practice recommendations on how to utilise AI tools and technology in live projects.

Simon Murphy MCIAT is a Chartered Architectural Technologist with professional practice experience from both the UK and China. Simon is a specialist user of DynamoBIM and Rhino.Inside(Revit). Simon is available to give Visual Programming and Revit instruction in person or online for those who wish to extend their knowledge and learning of AI.


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