Webinar | UK NZC Buildings Standard

9 am-11 am, 28 Nov 2022

Calling on UK built environment industry practitioners to share embodied carbon and in-use operational energy performance data for their buildings.

To answer any questions about this, a data surgery webinar event is being run on the Monday 28 November from 09:00 - 11:00.

Whilst significant progress has been made in defining what ‘net zero’ means for buildings in the UK, a process of market analysis showed a clear demand for a single, agreed methodology. The UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard will enable industry to robustly prove their built assets are net zero carbon and in line with our nation’s climate targets.

To reserve a spot at this webinar, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/uk-net-zero-carbon-buildings-standard-data-surgery-workshop-tickets-467671095837

These webinar sessions will provide an update on how to submit data to the UKNZCBS and any questions you might have about submitting data. To find out more about the types of evidence the project required, or to submit data, please see www.NZCBuildings.co.uk