Application form to register as an Affiliate Group Body Corporate (AGBC)

Before completing this form, please ensure that you have read section C of the Code of Conduct.

To register on the Affiliate Group Body Corporate Scheme, all sections of this application form must be completed. The form and declaration agreeing to comply with Section C of the Code of Conduct must be signed by the primary designated contact, who should hold a senior management position with authority to sign on behalf of their organisation.

We aim to process your application within four weeks and will confirm your AGBC status as soon as possible. Should we require additional information, we will be in contact.  

If you represent a branch/division/office or department of a large or multi/office/national organisation and you wish to join on behalf of your branch/division/office or department, please contact [email protected] who can provide the necessary guidance and policies. 

To remind you of the benefits available for the bronze, silver and gold tiers, please click here

If applying for the gold package and you wish to use the Affiliate Group Body Corporate emblem, once your registration is confirmed, you are required to comply with the conditions to use the emblem, which will be provided. 

We wish to join the AGBC Scheme at the following level:

Organisation size
Micro -
10 employees or less
SME - 11 to 249 employees
Large - 250+ employees


Contact details of the primary designated/authorised person for the AGBC


Employees and main contact 



On behalf on my organisation:

  1. I submit this completed form as an accurate record in support of our organisation’s request to join the CIAT AGBC Scheme.  

2.    I/we understand the obligations as set out in Section C of the Code of Conduct for AGBC’s. 

3.    We agree to accept the decision of the Institute regarding our eligibility for admission onto the AGBC Scheme. If admitted, we will abide by the rules and regulations specified in the Charter, Bye-laws and Regulations* and agree to abide by the Code of Conduct, and any other directive issued by CIAT.

*Can be found at: 

4.    If accepted, on receipt of our formal Registration notification, our organisation can state it is a “CIAT Affiliate Group Body Corporate” and that no other variation is permitted.

5.    As required by the Code and the AGBC requirements, I/we will keep CIAT informed of any change in circumstances of the organisation in writing, which may affect our organisation’s AGBC status.

6.    That if I leave this organisation, I will confirm in writing who will take on this responsibility and that you will advise of any actions they may be required to take as necessary.

Disclosure – General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018 
All data will be held in accordance with GDPR principles. If you have any queries or requests, please contact [email protected] or refer to the Institute’s Privacy Statement ( 

N.B. Your organisation cannot elect to be excluded from CIAT related mailings (via mail or email). 

Checklist of items to be included with this form

For any queries please contact:
T. +44 (0)20 7278 2206
E. [email protected]