aspirATion Group opportunities
CIAT's aspirATion Groups currently have opportunities for the role of Chair.
CIAT's aspirATion Groups currently have opportunities for the role of Chair in:
- Northern Region
- Yorkshire Region
- East Anglia Region
- Scotland East Region
- Republic of Ireland Centre
This initiative is aimed at future Architectural Technology professionals and specifically designed to target students and recent graduates and encourage Institute engagement in their formative years within the discipline.
The Chair will work with the established Regional/Centre Committees, CIAT Accredited programmes, colleges, peer groups such as neighbouring aspirATion Groups, members of BRE Academy, CIOB Novus, RICS Matrics, and industry professionals within the Regions/Centres to organise events, which can include socials, CPD or site visits.
The aspirATion Group terms of reference are:
- Engage with and increase the potential participation among current students, graduates, Associates and affiliates and recently qualified Chartered Architectural Technologists.
- Exchange ideas for the promotion of Architectural Technology and discuss ways to support current and future members and affiliates as they embark on their career in Architectural Technology.
- Work collaboratively to promote the Institute including its initiatives, activities, objectives and constitutional processes to potential AT professionals and other associated professions.
- Promote Architectural Technology as a career of choice.
- Provide a focal point for the Institute's activities and objectives relevant to aspiring Architectural Technology professionals, and recently qualified Chartered Members.
- Maintain a dialogue with the Institute's other Groups and Committees regarding issues that may affect aspiring Architectural Technology professionals and recently qualified Chartered Members.
- Be the link between the Region/Centre aspirATion Groups and Central Office.
- Report to Council on the activities of the Committee and the Region/Centre Groups.
You need to be a student member, Associate member, affiliate or Chartered Member for five years or less. Please send your expression of interest to [email protected] by Wednesday 31 August 2022.