Building a Safer Future: Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety: CIAT’s Response

Institute response to Grenfell Tower report

Please find attached below CIAT’s Response to the 'Building a Safer Future – Independent Review of the Building Regulations and Fire Safety: Final Report' which was commissioned by HM Government following the Grenfell Tower fire, to make recommendations on the future regulatory system.

CIAT Response to the Final Report on the Review of the BRegs and Fire Safety July 18.docx

CIAT fully supports the Report’s scope to review the regulatory systems and procedure.  However, we  would welcome discussion on developing the narrative as we feel that certain areas are promoted at the expense of others.  This needs to be considered to ensure that  the future envisioned is delivered. 

The Report includes a detailed set of recommendations which we have responded to in detail.

CIAT has been an active participant in the work that has and is being undertaken post the Grenfell tragedy; as such CIAT has fed directly into the work led by Dame Judith Hackitt, we have also been involved in workshops and seminars led by Dame Judith and others from the Expert Panels. We have established a Fire Task Force and also have two Chartered Members who have been the lead on much of the work, attending numerous meetings.

Following invitation to participate, CIAT’s main focus is to establish competences in the following areas:

  • Building Control and Standards
  • Building Designers
  • Building Safety Managers
  • Site Supervisors
  • Project Management
  • Procurement

CIAT is also dedicated to participating as far as possible in mitigating the issue of building failures and hopes to have the positive influence needed to instil workable solutions.

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Fire safety