Call for evidence: BS 40101 Building performance evaluation of occupied and operational buildings

Your views sought.

BSI is currently seeking feedback on BS 4101:2022, Building performance evaluation of occupied and operational buildings (using data gathered from tests, measurements, observations and user experience). BS 40101:2022 was launched early in 2022 and aimed to provide a consistent basis for establishing and recording the actualin-use performance of buildings of all types and scales.

It was intended that results obtained through the application of the standard could satisfy diverse needs ranging from verification of designed performance, providing information on which to improve design and delivery of future buildings, to understanding performance prior to (and after) improvement works and investigating reasons for excessive energy demand or occupant concerns. 

BSI is now conducting a short, anonymous stock take, to understand where and how the standard is being used. The survey is expected to inform a more formal refresh of the standard in due course. 

CIAT is not intending to respond directly to this survey. However, the Institute encourages members and affiliates who have used the standard (or who have considered doing so, but decided against it), to share their experience with BSI, using this short form.

We understand that the survey will remain open until 14 February.

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