Chartered Architectural Technologists offered opportunity to train | External Wall Systems (EWS)1 & Fire Risk Appraisal of External Walls (FRAEW)
RICS is offering training to enable Chartered Members to undertake external wall surveys to provide EWS1 forms and FRAEW reports for medium risk buildings, available now at a heavily subsidised rate.
In the last couple of years, professionals have been cautious in entering into offering this service due to the lack of available professional indemnity insurance.
CIAT is pleased to advise that the Government has stepped up and is now offering cover to those who have undertaken such training in relation to EWS1 forms. Details can be found here.
Whilst this cover is not currently offered for the undertaking of work in relation to FRAEW, the training would enable those members to undertake this work also, provided they, or their firm can secure the appropriate cover.
Please see the brochure below for further information:
Members wishing to take advantage of this opportunity should in the first instance complete an application form and email it to [email protected]