CIBSE, Introba and Amazon launch embodied carbon guidance for logistics centres

The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), Amazon and engineering consultancy Introba have launched guidance to calculate embodied carbon in logistics buildings.

The Europe-wide guidance, Embodied carbon in building services: logistics centres (TM65.3), is the first guidance aimed at fostering informed data-based decision-making as the logistics industry works towards reducing its environmental footprint.

Embodied carbon encompasses greenhouse gas emissions associated with materials and construction processes across different lifecycle stages. The guidance finds that MHE can represent an additional 17-53% of a typical logistics building’s embodied carbon. This shows that companies can reduce their environmental impact by making more informed decisions about the type of equipment used in their warehouses, and equipment manufacturers have the opportunity to differentiate and lead by developing equipment with lower carbon footprints.

TM65.3 builds upon CIBSE’s methodology outlined in Embodied carbon in building services: A calculation methodology (TM65). This is a calculation method for embodied carbon emissions in building services design that provides a robust framework for understanding and mitigating environmental impact.

CIBSE’s Technical Director, Dr Anastasia Mylona stated:

This launch marks a significant milestone in understanding the embodied carbon implications of logistics buildings and underscores our commitment to sustainability within the built environment. By pooling our expertise with Amazon and Introba, we will empower stakeholders across the logistics sector with actionable insights to drive positive change.

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