New Chair and Deputy for CIC's Health & Safety Committee

The CIC has elected a new Chair and Deputy Chair of the CIC Health & Safety Committee, as Gary Mees PPCIAT MCIAT steps down.

Paul Bussey and Philip Baker have been elected as the new Chair and Deputy Chair.

The CIC Health & Safety Committee provides a forum for health and safety representatives of CIC member institutions, including CIAT, and to meet, shape policy, discuss initiatives and develop responses on behalf of CIC and built environment professions.

Paul Bussey, who was previously Deputy Chair of the Committee, is an Architect and Senior Technical Consultant at AHMM Architects. He specialises in fire engineering, construction design and management (CDM), accessible design and the application of building and other regulations. 

Paul said of his appointment: "I have been a member of the Committee for some 15 years and coming towards the concluding chapter of my career I have been energised with a wish to use my experience to embed the findings of the Grenfell Tower disaster and Building Safety Act into the built environment in general. 

"Being the CIC Health & Safety Committee Chair and working with CIC I hope to help make a substantial improvement to our industry for the benefit of all. 

"Working with the CIC, RIBA, CIAT and the HSE and other organisations, together with the PI insurance industry, I hope to establish a functioning industry that recognises the cultural change that is very much required."

Philip Baker. the new Deputy Chair, who currently sits on this CIC Committee representing the Institution of Structural Engineers, is a senior industry practitioner and trainer. He specialises in improving outcomes for construction workers and has been involved in setting industry standards in the UK and Europe.

Philip said of his new role: "This is an exciting opportunity for me to work more closely with Paul to continue to drive forward on the work of CIC and in particular to champion the importance of design and construction health and safety risk management amongst built environment professionals through the work of their professional bodies."

CIAT would like to thank Gary Mees PPCIAT MCIAT for his four years as the outgoing CIC Health & Safety Committee Chair; a commitment which has increased as a result of the activity surrounding the new building safety regime, and the Building Safety Act. Whilst he is stepping back from the Chair, Gary will still be working with the group assisting where he can and coordinating a web presence for CONIAC.

Gary said: "All good things must come to an end and I'm delighted to be handing over the reins of the CIC Health & Safety Committee, along with the role of Chair of the Keeping Pace with Change Working Group, to Paul Bussey and I congratulate him on his new position. 

"These positions are not successful without the support and dedication of others and my thanks go to CIC staff.

"It has been a particularly challenging couple of years and the KPWC Working Group should be proud of the work that has come from them. They have worked incredibly hard over the past four years and have made chairing the group a delight. I would like to thank all those who are passionate about ensuring our industry develops and grows in a safe manner as well as the HSE staff who, without their support and guidance, this work would not have credibility."

The Health and Safety Committee is CIC’s longest standing Committee which has a regular membership of around 30. In addition to the main committee there are also smaller sub-groups which consider specific areas such as education or technology and innovation.

CIC Chair Justin Sullivan welcomed both appointments saying; “I am delighted to welcome both Paul and Philip into their new roles within the CIC Health and Safety Committee. One of the great strengths of CIC is its broad reach across the built environment professions and Paul and Philip bring a wealth of experience to these new roles. 

"Health and Safety is paramount in our industry and the work of the Committee is crucial in brining the sector together to ensure we keep everyone safe.  

"I would also like to thank Gary Mees for his tenure as Chair and for all his hard work over many years.”

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Health and safety