Further to the Building Safety Regulator sharing similar experiences, CIAT has received a high number of applications which are incomplete or unclear, making them unsuitable for registration as a Principal Designer.

We need applicants to play their part to help facilitate the process by ensuring their written narrative and evidence provide quality, detailed information that clearly and comprehensively demonstrates their skills, knowledge, experience and behaviours in design compliance. An element of flexibility is being applied to aspects/processes that have not yet happened or are not well-established. In such instances, commensurate/comparable evidence is acceptable.

At this time, the Institute is not able to:

  • tell applicants how to comply with the requirements of the building regulations
  • provide advice or feedback prior to applying

Applications which lack the required detailed information or fail to demonstrate clear compliance of the competencies will be deferred and applicants will have two more opportunities to re-submit free of charge.


Join CIAT's Principal Designer (PD) Register


CIAT PD registration process and insight workshop

Following the official launch of the Institute's Principal Designer (PD) Registers for Higher Risk Buildings (HRBs) and non-Higher Risk Buildings (non-HRBs), this online workshop was held on 10 June 2024. It goes through the PD registration process and insight workshop aimed primarily at Chartered Architectural Technologists considering applying for registration as a PD.


CIAT Principal Designer Register

The CIAT Principal Designer Registers identify all CIAT Members(s) (MCIAT or FCIAT) who have qualified as a CIAT Registered Principal Designer.


Principal Designer Competency Framework

The Principal Designer (PD) Competency Framework has been approved by the Institute's Steering Group, comprising Chartered Architectural Technologists. 

The pilot and testing phase which aims to ensure the processes and framework are fit for purpose has now commenced, and subject to evaluation and approval, we will be in a position to open the Register for applications by 1 May 2024.

There will be two options for the registration of Chartered Architectural Technologists on our publicly available Registers:

  1. Principal Designer for non-Higher Risk Buildings (HRBs)
    This will consist of the submission of an application form and supporting portfolio aligned to the PD Competency Framework for non-HRBs to enable registration. The cost for the first year's registration is £200 including VAT.
  2. Principal Designer for HRBs
    This will consist of the submission of an application form and supporting portfolio aligned to the PD Competency Framework for HRBs, plus an assessment interview to enable registration. The cost for the first year's registration is £350 including VAT.

Those deemed competent as PDs for HRBs will also be included on the publicly available non-HRB Register.

Further information on how long the assessment process could take will be provided once we determine the demand for registration.

7 March 2024