Principal Designer

One of the key changes to building regulations in England is the requirement for each client to appoint a Principal Designer (PD) to oversee and coordinate building design work, for both higher-risk buildings (HRBs), and non-HRBs and (including domestic non-HRBs). The PD is ultimately responsible for the design of the whole building, even where some design elements are handled by other designers and must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the building, as designed, would comply with regulations.

To support Chartered Architectural Technologists to demonstrate that they have the skills, knowledge, experience and behaviours necessary to fulfil the PD role for either HRBs or non-HRBs, CIAT has launched a Principal Designer Register. CIAT strongly urges Chartered Architectural Technologists undertaking the role of Principal Designer to apply to join this Register, whether they work on HRBs or non-HRBs.

Registration as a Principal Designer will make it easier for Members to demonstrate their competence to clients. Additionally, registration is likely to reduce both the administrative and financial burden associated with securing professional indemnity for this work.

CIAT's Principal Designer Framework, Principal Designer Register application form, supporting guidance and other information on CIAT's Principal Designer Register can be found below.

Update on applications

CIAT has received a high number of applications for registration as a Principal Designer which are incomplete or unclear, meaning that they cannot be progressed.

We need applicants to play their part to help facilitate the process by ensuring their written narrative and evidence provide quality, detailed information that clearly and comprehensively demonstrates their skills, knowledge, experience and behaviours in design compliance. An element of flexibility is being applied to aspects/processes that have not yet happened or are not well-established. In such instances, commensurate/comparable evidence is acceptable.

At this time, the Institute is not able to:

  • tell applicants how to comply with the requirements of the building regulations
  • provide advice or feedback prior to applying

Applications which lack the required detailed information or fail to demonstrate clear compliance of the competencies will be deferred and applicants will have two more opportunities to re-submit free of charge.

Relevant documents

CIAT PD registration process and insight workshop

Following the official launch of the Institute's Principal Designer (PD) Registers for Higher Risk Buildings (HRBs) and non-Higher Risk Buildings (non-HRBs), this online workshop was held on 10 June 2024. It goes through the PD registration process and insight workshop aimed primarily at Chartered Architectural Technologists considering applying for registration as a PD.


CIAT Principal Designer Register

The CIAT Principal Designer Registers identify all CIAT Members(s) (MCIAT or FCIAT) who have qualified as a CIAT Registered Principal Designer.


Indemnity and liability for Principal Designers

It is essential that Chartered Architectural Technologists and other building designers have professional indemnity coverage sufficient to cover any liability they may incur through their work. CIAT and CIAT Insurance Services continue to work together to ensure that members of the group scheme receive appropriate and good value professional indemnity insurance tailored to their needs.

CIAT Insurance Services believes the duties imposed on PDs for non-HRBs are unlikely to be considered radically different from expectations of Insurers in respect of pre-existing professional duties. Therefore, there is currently no suggestion from the insurance market generally, or by the insurers under the CIAT Insurance Services policy, that existing cover under the professional indemnity insurance policies will be insufficient for work on non-HRBs moving forwards. Where the role of Principal Designer is undertaken on HRBs, liability would be assessed on a case-by-case basis, and it is likely that more information would be required by insurers than might be usually expected. 

Notwithstanding the above, as the position in respect of the PD role and the obligations and duties arising out of recent legislative changes are still developing, this position may change at future renewals.

It should be noted that, given the duties arising out of the new PD role, insurers are likely to place a greater emphasis on ensuring that professionals maintain appropriate and robust procedures and that terms and conditions are adequate. Additionally, members undertaking the role of PD are strongly encouraged to join CIAT’s Principal Designer Register. Joining the Register is not mandatory but would provide evidence of competency to provide these services.

More information on the implications of the PD role for liability can be found in this CIAT Insurance Services Technical Bulletin that explores the responsibilities and challenges that come with the Principal Designer role under the Building Regulations (Amendment) (England) 2023, and explains how the role may impact your insurance.