CIAT supports CIC Carbon Zero Action plan

CIAT's Executive Board has agreed for the Institute to formally 'sign up' to the Construction Industry Council's (CIC) Carbon Zero Climate Action Plan for professional institutions.

CIAT was consulted on the development of the Action Plan and considers that CIC, as the umbrella body for the sector, should be the lead on this project. In agreeing its support, CIAT provided a range of suggestions and recommendations to ensure the Plan can be achievable which still need to be considered, focusing on how the Plan will impact our members, affiliates and their clients and employers. We also made recommendations on how CIC should network with various other bodies and organisations to ensure there is a holistic approach rather than repetition and also to prevent silos.

We will continue to work with CIC, its Climate Change Group and ensure there is a common focus with the work that our Climate Change Group is undertaking within our own Climate Action Plan for the discipline, profession, Institute, and range of stakeholders with whom we work.

Find the CIC Carbon Zero Climate Action Plan here.

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