Honorary Fellow, HonFCIAT

Information on how to nominate an individual for Honorary Fellow, HonFCIAT.

Honorary Fellow, HonFCIAT, is awarded to an individual who is eminent in their field, and:

  • whose work has had a positive impact on Architectural Technology; and/or
  • for their significant contribution to and/or excellence in Architectural Technology.

Honorary Fellow is by nomination only and cannot be applied for; individuals must be nominated in confidence and nominations will be considered by the Honorary Fellow Panel. 

Nominations are made by completing the nomination form which includes a written citation of no more than 1650 words, based on the candidate’s positive impact on, significant contribution to and/or excellence in Architectural Technology, and must clearly demonstrate the candidate’s suitability against the Honorary Fellow criteria.

Current members or affiliates of the Institute are not eligible for nomination, and in the interests of transparency and impartiality, staff and serving Honorary Fellow Panel members are not eligible to make nominations or write citations. If you require factual/historical information about the person you are nominating in relation to CIAT, please contact Adam Endacott, Head of Creative & Communications ([email protected]) who will endeavour to provide the information you seek.

Full information and guidance can be found here.

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