Jiten Wagjiani MCIAT - ‘The residential pro’


Coming from a family of construction professionals, Jiten feels it was inevitable that he would follow in their footsteps.  At a young age, he took a keen interest in blueprints — attempting to make sense of the detailing. He enjoyed watching buildings being constructed from foundation to completion.  He was fortunate that this allowed me to start working within a professional environment at a young age. 

Current job role

Jiten is currently the Director of JPW Architecture Ltd practising as a Chartered Architectural Technologist and Party Wall Surveyor.   He also works as a consultant at KDB Building Designs.

His interest lies within the residential sector.  The majority of his clients are private home-owners looking to extend their property for a better standard of living.

Why Jiten joined and qualified

Jiten joined as a student member whilst at university studying Architectural TechnologyHe received the monthly AT magazine and read a variety of different articles which inspired me to focus him attention to the technical aspect of construction, in particular, residential design. He has since then successfully progressed through the professional stages to become a Chartered Architectural Technologist.

How and when Jiten qualified

Having worked at an architectural practice since the age of 17, Jiten managed to collate evidence for the Professional Assessment route within a period of six months, addressed the sections of the assessment and proceeded to the professional interview.  He was accredited with the ‘Chartered’ status in 2015.

How you have benefitted from the qualification

According to Jiten, being a member of Chartered Institution ‘is a mark of distinction which separates me from other designers’. The MCIAT title ‘assures prospective clients …  the level of service being offered is to a standard which meets the Institute’s Code of Conduct’.

Relevant achievements

As part of his CPD development, Jiten furthers his knowledge in Building Regulations and the Approved Documents by attending a Building Regulation Studies Course.

Jiten also attended a the party wall course offered by the Faculty of Party Wall Surveyors which provided a better insight to addressing neighbourly disputes.  He now advises and provide party wall services to building and adjoining owners.

In 2013, Jiten volunteered to become Greater London Region CPD Officer. He would coordinate with speakers and arrange for CPD events to be held for members of the Region, and other professionals to attend and further their knowledge on new technologies, construction detailing and materials and building regulations to adhere too.  Having resigned from this post, he now assists the Committee and sub-committees.

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