CIAT has 7 Centres (Hong Kong, Republic of Ireland, the Americas, Australasia, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Asia). The title of a Centre is given to a country with a substantial proportion of members and affiliates who have formally requested such status. In the UK this is referred to as a Region. A member or affiliate of the Institute is assigned a Region or Centre (if outside the UK) upon joining and it is this Region or Centre that they will be an active part of for CPD events and networking opportunities. Members and affiliates can apply to join the Regional/Centre Committee which effectively administers its own Region or Centre, with support from CIAT Central Office.

CIAT is a Principal member of the AEEBC, (Association d’Experts Européennes du Bâtiment et de la Construction). This Association was formed to promote the building surveying and construction professions throughout Europe and facilitate the exchange of experience and information between professionally qualified building surveyors and construction experts.
Members of the AEEBC include professional associations, construction companies, individuals with an interest in, or who work in the sector, educational establishments offering related qualifications, government departments or charities. CIAT works together with representatives of other comparable professions in Europe, such as building surveyors, constructing architects, construction managers, construction engineers, geometri, arquitectos técnicos, civil engineers etc.
Through the AEEBC, CIAT has helped facilitate the introduction of the EurBE scheme which is an accreditation scheme for construction and building professionals. This provides an opportunity for suitably qualified professionals from across Europe to achieve European recognition and accreditation alongside their national qualification.
CIAT has a Memorandum of Agreement with Konstruktørforeningen (KF) in Denmark. Konstruktørforeningen is the Danish Association of Architectural Technologists and Construction Managers. KF is owned and managed by members, and the aims and objectives of the organisation are to safeguard professional interests of members in all matters: providing personal advice on employment, salary, professional development and political influence. In order to strengthen the members’ job opportunities and to raise professionalism in construction, KF seeks to influence construction and education politics.
Association of Architectural Technologists
CIAT also has a Memorandum of Agreement with the Association of Architectural Technologists, (AATO) in Ontario, Canada. As a self regulating professional Association, the AATO’s functions are to:
Provide Architectural Technologists within the province with an Association which advances profession, increases their professional knowledge, skill and grants them Accreditation with the Province of Ontario.
Foster the attainment of quality and competence in the field of Architectural Technology.
Encourage continual upgrading to remain current with constantly changing technology.
Establish, maintain and enforce strict rules of ethical conduct for the members of the Association in the field of Architectural Technology.
Inform the public in a suitable and ethical manner of the purpose and aims of the Association.
Promote a harmonious relationship among members in order to stimulate the development of the Association and enhance its public reputation.