Red: Major Architectural Technologist functions are reserved by law for other professions, typically architects or engineers. Architectural Technologists cannot be recognised as architects or engineers.
Yellow: There are regulatory barriers, but still some possibilities. There may be professions similar to Architectural Technology, or similar professions are not regulated.
Green: No restrictions - free competition.
As stated previously, CIAT has a Memorandum of Agreement with Konstruktørforeningen (KF) in Denmark. Konstruktørforeningen is the Danish Association of Architectural Technologists and Construction Managers. KF is owned and managed by members, and the aims and objectives of the organisation are to safeguard professional interests of members in all matters: providing personal advice on employment, salary, professional development and political influence. In order to strengthen the members' job opportunities and to raise professionalism in construction, KF seeks to influence construction and education politics.
In Denmark, Konstruktørforeningen (KF) will accept Associate members of CIAT (ACIAT) with an Honors Degree (or equivalent) in Architectural Technology or Chartered Architectural Technologists (MCIAT or FCIAT) as members (M.A.K) of the Institute within a period of four months from receipt of application.
In France the equivalent of Chartered Architectural Technologist currently does not exist. The only positions available to a Chartered Architectural Technologist in France will be to work as dessinateur, projeteur or assistant.
If you can speak French and have good design skills, you should be welcome within an architectural practice. French architects often do not design their buildings; most of them have assistants or dessinateurs to design on their behalf; they usually produce hand sketches with the clients and the rest is carried out by design staff.
The practice of architecture per se is restricted to registered architects. You may practice in a company supervised by a registered architect or you may practice on your own account as an architectural designer (dessinateur d'architecture) but many restrictions apply.
When the architect completes their 'concept', it goes to a Bureau d'Etude (design office) which will take care of the technical aspects of the design. The technical design at the Bureau d'Etude is normally carried out by those with the title of engineers.
If you have a more technical bias it would be advisable to look for firms under the term 'Maitre d'oeuvre' who are often able to work directly for a contractor after intiial designs have been done by a French registered architect. Smaller projects (currently under 170M2) can also be fully designed by them. See this link for description and qualification requirements. (Please note the website is in French, it is not affiliated with CIAT and its purpose is as a search tool to find out more about various professions in France.)
To carry out this work:
- All copies of drawings must be stamped and signed.
- In order to make an application for a Permis de Construire for any project in France it is necessary to be registered with the Conseil de l'Ordre des Architectes en France and you will need professional indemnity specifically from specific insurance companies in France. Professional indemnity insurance from the UK is unlikely be accepted.
- The alternative is to go to a local registered French architect to make your application for Permis de Construire. The architect risks de-registration if they simply stamp your drawings. To submit their own drawings (based on yours) they will charge a 15% fee.
The main contact in Germany with regard to building design and construction is Verband Deutscher Architekten e.V. (VDA). Its contact details are as follows:
Verband Deutscher Architekten e.V. - VDA
80686 München
T: 089-570070
F: 089-57007260
E: [email protected]
The VDA is the overall regulatory body for architects in Germany, but as Germany is a federation it is split up into regions or Lands; Hessen, Bavaria etc, and each Land has its own Chamber of Architects. As each Chamber has its own legislation/Code of Conduct, the local Chamber should be contacted to make sure the right information and requirements are obtained.
It is advisable to contact the VDA in the first instance and the contact details of the Chamber of Architects for the specific Land will be supplied. The VDA may also be able to help find good contact sources.
For Bavaria, contact Bayerische Architektenkammer.
For the Land of Hessen, contact Architekten und Stadtplanerkammer Hessen.
The National Contact Point for Germany can be found by clicking here.
In Germany, an equivalent profession to the Chartered Architectural Technologist does not exist. Chartered Architectural Technologists cannot work freelance (or set up in practice) for any German company or on any project in Germany. However there appears to be no problem in obtaining a job with a German company/practice and working as an employee. Qualification equivalence will likely need to be provided and of course a good portfolio will help too. The Kultusminister Konferenz may be able to assit in comparing qualifications as will NARIC.
The German speaking part of Switzerland has the Bauzeichner (construction designer).