This Award recognises and celebrates the dedication and commitment of Chartered Architectural Technologists who have demonstrated a significant contribution or outstanding service to the Institute.

Criteria for submission
The citation must reflect how the Chartered Architectural Technologist has changed, developed or advanced the Institute, by solid, demonstrable, and outstanding achievement. It is not given on the basis of time served.

Current members of Council and Executive Board are not eligible for nomination, and in the interests of transparency and impartiality, staff and serving Gold Award Judging Panel members are not eligible to make nominations or write citations. If you require factual/historical information about the person you are nominating in relation to CIAT, please contact Adam Endacott, Head of Creative & Communications ([email protected]) who will endeavour to provide the information you seek.

A completed application form, along with the citation (up to 600 words), which must be a narrative of how the Chartered Architectural Technologist has changed, developed or advanced the Institute, and will need to include examples of how they have demonstrated this significant contribution or outstanding service.

The citation should not be an extended CV, a list of educational or vocational achievements, appointments, awards, posts or a job description showing what the person has done. It should describe what is special about the Chartered Architectural Technologist's achievements and illustrate memorably and persuasively how and where they have made a difference to the Institute.

Entry fee
There is no application fee – it is free to enter.

The recipient receives a medal, a certificate, and a lapel badge.

Closing date
1 August 2025