This course provides an overview of information management using BIM, according to ISO 19650.
ISO 19650 is a series of international standards that provide guidance for managing information throughout the lifecycle of buildings and other construction projects using Building Information Modelling (BIM). This suite of international standards forms part of the UK BIM Framework.
Learning about ISO 19650 provides professionals in the construction industry with standardised guidelines for effective information management using BIM. Conforming to ISO 19650 can enhance project delivery, reduce errors, and improve decision-making, ultimately leading to cost savings and higher-quality built assets.
Developed by BRE’s team of BIM experts, this training course provides an overview of the ISO 19650 standards to enable the implementation of BIM and information management processes within your organisation.
This course focusses on Parts 1 and 2 of ISO 19650:
- ISO 19650-1 Concepts and Principles: establishes fundamental principles and terminology for managing digital information using BIM throughout a project’s lifecycle. It defines roles, responsibilities, and workflows to ensure consistency and data quality across all project stages.
- ISO 19650-2 Delivery Phase of the Assets: focuses on requirements and recommendations for exchanging information during the design, construction, and handover stages of a project. It addresses protocols for sharing, storing, and updating digital information in collaborative environments, improving communication and efficiency among project stakeholders.

Cost/fee for attendance: £750 + VAT (CIAT members and affiliates receive a 15% discount by using code: CIAT15)
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