Consultation: Cladding Materials and BS 8414 in Cladding Systems – Scotland only (closing date – 23 March 2021)

Your views invited.

The Scottish Government has convened a panel of fire experts (which includes representation from CIAT), to consider a ban on the highest risk cladding materials (through building regulations). It is also reviewing the role of BS 8414 (Fire performance of external cladding systems) when considering the suitability of the make-up of cladding systems.

The question of the continued citation of BS 8414 (and BR - Fire performance of external thermal insulation for walls of multi-storey buildings, third edition) in Section 2 of the Technical Handbooks is currently being considered, and the Scottish Government has gained a great deal of views and opinions on the use of BS 8414 over recent years.  However, in this instance the Panel concluded that further evidence would be beneficial before considering the matter further.

As such, we have been approached by the Building Standards Division with an invitation to assist the panel in providing views and comments - both for and against - the retention of BS 8414 (and by association BR 135), as a means of evidencing compliance with the mandatory building standards.

Kevin Crawford, President Elect and Chair of Technical Standards Taskforce said:

“CIAT is pleased to assist with the development of this work to ensure that Scottish Members are working to standards that are effective and achieve the desired performance of buildings to mitigate these very serious issues.”

To ensure your views are included, we invite you to contribute to the Institute’s response to this request. In this regard, please send your views with any supporting evidence or rationale in support of your comments, to Graham Chalkley, Assistant Practice Director at [email protected]  by Tuesday 23 March 2021

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