Consultation: Update to Whole Life Carbon Assessment for the Built Environment Professional Statement (closing date – 16 January 2022)

Your views invited.

RICS is developing the 2nd edition of the RICS Whole Life Carbon Assessment PS. The standard is being updated to ensure it incorporates advances in carbon assessment methodologies and reporting, alongside legislative and product standards revisions. Also, to broaden the anticipated use of the PS even further across the built and infrastructure environment, particularly within the Chartered Surveying profession.

RICS has recently launched a pre-consultation to get feedback on the current, 1st edition (by way of a questionnaire), to help shape the development of the new edition:

Update to Whole Life Carbon Assessment for the Built Environment - RICS iConsult

The consultation closes on 16 January 2022.

All members and affiliates wishing to respond should do so directly via the link above.

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