It is important that we ensure that you have access to some of the core information surrounding the implementation of the CDM Regulations and the roles and responsibilities that we have as Principal Designers.  As Architectural Technology professionals, it is incumbent on us to ensure that 'Health and Safety' is integrated into the very fabric of how we practice.


The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 came into force on 6 April 2015, and can be accessed here.

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016 (S.R. 2016 No. 146) (CDM2016) was implemented in Northern Ireland on 1 August 2016, and the link here from Health and Safety Executive Northern Ireland provides further information and summarises the changes to these Regulations.

The Institute published an insert in Issue 113 of Architectural Technology Journal, which also included an article from Health and Safety Executive (HSE), and a copy of this can be downloaded free of charge here.

The CDM2015 guidance L153 ('Managing Health and Safety in Construction') was published on 2 April 2015, and a copy of this can be downloaded by clicking here.

You can download a copy of the HSE's guidance on The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015, as well as the CITB Industry guides on the various roles and assistance on complying.

Print-friendly versions of the CITB guidance for dutyholders are freely available, and copies of the individual dutyholder guides can be downloaded from the links below. (PDF versions of these documents are also available from the CITB CDM homepage.)

Principal Designers
Principal Contractors

If you have a complex question relating to CDM, you can contact Health and Safety Executive directly or if you wish to consult a Corporate Member from the Association for Project Safety (APS) via their Directory, it can be accessed here:

Additional leaflets can be downloaded from the link below:
Need building work done?  Short guide for clients on CDM2015 INDG411

A copy of the Construction Phase Plan for builders issued by HSE can be downloaded here.

The following webpages were published on 2 April 2015:

What do I need to do?
Legal requirements
Notification of a construction project

HSE also updated the following webpages (as of October 2015)
CDM2015 FAQ's
Are you a...?
Smaller Builder
Commercial Client
Domestic Client
Principal Designer
Principal Contractor
Construction Worker

Additional information/further reference:
CDM wizard app for a construction phase plan
CDM2015 video

CIAT Insurance Services has also produced an information sheet that provides advice and guidance to members regarding liability issues following the changes to the CDM Regulations, and this can be downloaded below:

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 – Risk and Disclosure

The Association for Project Safety (APS) has set up a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section on their website, and this provides further useful information and guidance on CDM2015. 

CDM2015 Regs Made Simple (CITB)
Below is a link from CITB that provides an easy guide to the CDM2015 Regulations.

CDM Regs made simple

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has produced a book on the CDM2015 Regulations. This book by Peter Caplehorn HonMCIAT is titled Health and Safety: RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Guide, and can be purchased from the following link:

Small Projects Differently – CDM2015: The Regulator's experience to date (presentation by Simon Longbottom, Head of HSE Construction Sector)
Below is a link to a presentation by Simon Longbottom, Head of HSE Construction Sector, on CDM2015 and which looks at the regulator's experience since the changes were implemented in April 2015.

Small Projects Differently – CDM2015: The Regulator's Experience to date

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Construction firm fined after death of a child who entered site

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HSE launches Working Minds campaign

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New fire safety planning changes welcomed by Chief Inspector of buildings

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CDM 20-20 vision – changing the culture

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